Life coaching is all about accountability right? Why not be your own life coach? Here is the story behind The Artist’s Planner.
Living in LA can be a bit over the top and pedantic at times. On any given day you’ll run into someone who is on some trendy journey of self awakening, healing and awareness. While it can be refreshing and empowering to have a community of hundreds of thousands of individuals who value self-care as much as you, it can also be confusing, ridiculous and at times pricey. Which manifesting ritual is best? Do I have to wait until the full moon to set my intentions or it wont work? Is the only way to know your true self by micro-dosing and finding out you were royalty in a past life? Do I sound bath daily? If the reader is an Angeleno of a year or more, you know these statements are not an exaggeration! OverheardLA is REAL!
In addition to the imposing rituals, there’s a not-so-inexpensive trend of life coaching. Life coaching is the profession of helping people find their intention and holding them accountable to realizing their goals. As complicated as some may make the Life Coaching job description seem, it’s really just this simple: Accountability. While this isn’t to say Life Coaching is unnecessary or a waste of money, there’s got to be a way to DIY accountability, right? I mean, it is YOUR life, YOUR intentions, YOUR goals and YOUR mindset. Maybe, just maybe, we should take accountability into our own hands. Push ourselves out of the nest and be a little less co-dependent with our lives.
The Artist’s Planner was created for this very reason. After several months of paying for life coaching and therapy the realization that I was in control of my intentions and follow through was crystal clear. The only thing keeping my scheduled sessions was the need for affirmation that the road I was on was the right course. Each appointment, however, in true psychology fashion, I was faced with the question, “do you believe you‘re on the right path?”. With this constant redirection inward, I was empowered with self accountability. The fact of the matter was this: If I knew my WHY, my INTENTIONS and my GOALS then I could map out how to arrive to where I wanted to be. I could be my own affirmation and compass by checking in and just looking back on what I said I wanted at the onset. Coupling my newfound realization with The S. M. A. R. T plan by George Doran, Arthur Miller and James Cunningham I felt like I was armored with a bat-suit for life.
Now, comes in The Artist’s Planner. Finding a new planner that not only held space for visualization, intention setting, affirmations as well as budgeting tools, while also being compact, upscale and esthetically pleasing was hard to come by. So we made one. This planner was created with the freelance artist in mind. Whether you’re a makeup artist, hair dresser, fashion stylist, photographer, event planner, Etsy shop owner, ceramist or any entrepreneur business owner this planner was created by one of you, for you.
How it works: You start the year with your BIG year end goals, you break those goals down into quarterly achievements, and then break those quarterly milestones down even further by creating monthly targets. These milestones and targets are reference points to look back on as you enter each month to set your intentions and weekly plans. At each turning page you’re reminded to check in with your WHY and set achievable small victories. Every three months theres a quarterly check-in that urges you to look at your year end goals from the onset of the year and reflect on where you are now in relation to where you want to be. You are also forced to analyze habits and practices that are benefiting or hindering you from reaching your final destination. The Artist Planner is all about SELF ACCOUNTABILITY. When followed truthfully and thoroughly you will get to where you want to be. And if you do not arrive at your final destination you will not be left in the dark as to if you’re on the right course. If you discover you are not headed in a direction aligned with your intentions you will know why and what can be done differently to course correct.