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So Much to Catch Up On

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

First and foremost thank you for subscribing to our site. With a new business creating the foundation for a product that doesn’t exisit, there is a constant evolution. We appreciate greatly your support and patience.

There is so much to catch you guys up on and we hope most, if not all of you are following us on our social media platforms for more visual representations of the advancements we’ve made. Advancements that include: design, availability and customizations.

Let‘s start with the design changes. Most of you before Entclés were stowing your hot tools in a makeshift bag or towel. Maybe using that Velcro strap at the end of your cord to wrap them up and then dumping your tools in a bin? Yea we already know this to be the case because that was precisely how we kept our hot tools and why we created the Entclés HTC. A better, elegant, luxurious, stylish, durable and smart way to carry and stow your hot tools. The original design was conceptualized by our lead hair stylist and makeup artist based on their 15+ years of toting, setting up and breaking down kits. Since nothing like the Entclés HTC was on the market it was from scratch. LITERALLY a scratch piece of paper that the HTC was visualized conceptualized and produced. Once we had the first design in the hands of the consumer we discovered a way to make a really great product even better. Like all things, smaller more compact is sometimes the way to go. Just ask your Mini Cooper owners. Unlike Texas that likes everything massively and unnecessarily big. In the world of cosmetics, the more compact, the better. For a working artist less to carry, great and if one product serves as three then its the MVP of the kit. Knowing this about our customers we have transitioned the original design of the HTC to one that will be more compact and less cumbersome when opened.

In use, we realized that there were two flaps intended to be used at heat mats that were unnecessary in the working environment. We also found that by placing the cord holders on top of the pockets themselves we could downsize an additional flap. That was a total of three flaps gone. So now instead of the two & three pocket cases unfolding like a to-go rice box, it simply opens up to reveal one hot mat and the pockets. In addition to the changes made to the multitool cases, the one pocket sleeve is now featuring a zipper. This case unzips to reveal a the heat resistant interior, laying flat to be used as a hot mat.

One, two and three pockets are the standard sizes we carry, with the two and three pocket having a handle and a tie for closure and the one pocket opening up via zipper to be used as a heat mat. Although this is standard as of now we are open to allow room for customizations such as additional pockets, trolly sleeves and different leather colors outside of black. Simply contact us at with your request and we will get back to you regarding ability and cost.

This leads us into availability. For the last few months we have been back ordered on the two and three pocket cases due to supply limitations and the design changes. We are happy to announce that we are fully stocked and ready to accept orders. Those that placed orders beginning in late December on will receive the new design and are first in line for shipment. You should receive your shipping confirmation within the week. Please visit our website under the FAQs for more information on our shipping schedule. That has not changed. We still only ship twice a month. This helps us keep costs down. We know this product is not inexpensive as we are using high quality materials, hiring experts to manufacture and resourcing 100% in the United States. With these areas of integrity the price is higher than outsourcing overseas but worth every penny.

That is all. Thank you again for subscribing, for reading this blog post And following this journey. We are offering a discount 25% to our subscribers February 10th-March 10th on all orders. The code is NEWDESIGN25. For those that have already purchased an HTC in the past and would like to try out the new design we have a gift of appreciation for 40% off your next purchase. Your unique one time code will be emailed to you directly.

Again and always, we appreciate your support, kindness and patience and look forward to sharing more of what we have in the works.

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