Very happy to announce that as of November 7th, 2023 Entclés' Hot Tool Carrying Case is officially PATENTED! As most of you know, I, Ashanta Morris started Entclés in the midst of the Pandemic because... why not? Like the entire world I had the time, but I must say, most significantly, I had the support of a close friend who encouraged me to see my idea through. Younger me would be so proud, Now me is so proud. I am an inventor. The time, diligence and vulnerability it takes to pull this off amounts to nothing but strength and it is a much celebrated win. 2023 has had its share of setbacks, My production team closed their doors, many of the grants I had been seeking haven't panned through as expected, the writes and actor strike has limited the funds for many artists, making it difficult to justify large investment purchases like an HTC, not to mention my personal funds to invest back in the business. Yet, despite the setbacks I count this Patent as a BIG WIN and a sign for the many more wins that are on the horizon. I wanted to share this post as we round the corner to sign off 2023 and enter into a new revolution to 1. Remind myself of how proud I should be of where I am today and 2. To say thank you for all the support loyal customers and friends alike. I am so grateful. Please continue to like and share Entclés' posts on social media, they are very helpful to the business and please stay tuned for whats next. Finally, every aspect of The Artist's Planner was diligently created by me, a freelance artist, business owner, creator and enlightenment seeker. If that personal description resonates with you then go ahead and add the planner to your cart and start building the pathway to your dreams. Personally, 2024's vision board is EPIC and the PLAN SMART for this upcoming year is aimed for Entclés to SET IT OFF. So stay tuned... and if you have any big ideas or plans I highly suggest you getting your Artist's Planner NOW I promise it will help you help yourself. I believe in you and I hope you believe in yourself. In fact use the code "WEDIDIT " at checkout and you'll get 30% off the planner which is basically wholesale cost, that's how much I believe in you... Will you make that same investment in yourself? Patent No.: US 11,805,880 B2